#1 Observing The Process With John Sawchak

John Sawchak is a world traveler spending most of his time between Asia and the states, living in Shanghai on and off for the past 7 years. 

Show Notes: On this Episode of the podcast John Saw joined me to discuss his journey to Shanghai, why he has come and gone several times and his thoughts on the future. My favorite part of the discussion is when we reminisced back to when we went to Crazy Lady for dinner. Let me know what you thought about the discussion and your thoughts in the comments.

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2 thoughts on “#1 Observing The Process With John Sawchak

  1. Brandon says:

    Great podcast! Thank you for putting this together Alex. It was a pleasure to listen to.

    • Alex says:

      Yoo Brandon! Thanks for listening! Ill be in the states end of June, early July. I hope we run into each other.

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